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Liberation Theologies

A research guide on library resources and discovery tools for liberation theologies -- Latin American, Black, and East Asian. Use this guide as a starting point for research.

Church mural with liberation theology themes, San Cristobal de las Cases, Chiapas, Mexico. Photo by David Sasaki, 2004. Creative Commons License.

Overview & Scope

Scope: This guide covers Latin American liberation theology, black liberation theology, womanist theology, and minjung theology. Latin American, black, and minjung liberation theologies share common methodologies and praxes, and developed roughly concurrently but separately. Womanist theology is included because it shares similar methodological concerns, though it arose out of the confluence of black liberation theologies and the reworking of late 20th-century feminist theologies.

"Liberation theology" has been defined in various ways by scholars of the field; these sub-divisions are included together here for research user-friendliness. These guides emphasize significant, "classic" texts and so lean toward the foundational aspects of these theologies rather than their contemporary expression. Librarians at VTS can help you identify contemporary theologians working in these broadly defined fields.

Introductory Works: