Theological Writing
General Resources
Wendy Belcher, a professor at Princeton University, has compiled an online guide to getting "un-stuck" in your writing process.
Don't feel like writing today? Can't find motivation? Unsure how to begin? This is the guide for you! Here is a sampling of Wendy Belcher's problems and solutions, taken directly from her website:
I just can't get started writing.
I will write just as soon as (fill in the blank).
I'm not in the right mood to write.
I feel guilty about not writing.
I really am too busy to write!
I get distracted from writing by web surfing, emailing, and texting.
My child care responsibilities are preventing me from writing.
I have to make progress on several writing projects at the same time, and I'm in a panic.
I have to read just one more book before I can write.
Quick 3 step tutorial on numbering your documents: