Saint Augustine in His Study by Vittore Carpaccio. Scoula di San Giorgio degli Schiavoni, Venice.
Welcome to BPL's Saint Augustine Research Guide!
This research guide provides library materials and research pathways to studying Augustine. Each page is designed as a starting point for further exploration.
How to Use this Guide
Use the menu options on the left-hand side of the page to navigate the guide. Each page contains a list of English translations of that particular work as well as starting point secondary resources.
Meet with a Librarian
Librarians are here to partner with you at any stage of your project.
The BPL Library Staff is always eager to aid students and researchers in this area. Librarians can help you identify resources for your topic or develop a search strategy to find the best materials. To contact a librarian, email The library staff is here to serve and resource your studies.
Library of Congress Classification:
Use these to browse the shelves in the stacks.
Subject Headings:
Use these as search terms in the library catalog.
Journal Literature: