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Christian Ethics

A research and resource guide for library materials on Christian Ethics.

Contemporary -- Anglican Ethics

These resources are contemporary expressions of Anglican ethics. Some of the authors intentionally practice Anglican ethics, while others see themselves as Anglicans working within the wider tradition of Christian Ethics.

Library Catalog Search Strategies:


Introductory Books:

Constructive Ethics books:

Anglican Political Theology & Ethics:

Historical -- Anglican Ethics

These resources are historical in nature -- both primary and secondary sources. They express the heritage of Anglican ethics. Scroll down for contemporary ethics.

Richard Hooker's Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity discusses ethics in Book 1. He makes the arguments on the basis of the natural law tradition.

F.D. Maurice, one of the most significant Anglican theologians of the 19th century, contributed to the Anglican moral theology tradition. The resource below is a selection of his writings on ethics.

The "Caroline Divines," representing a 17th century period of Anglican History in which religious writings flourished, had a substantial impact on later Anglican ethics. Jeremy Taylor is perhaps the most influential of the "divines."

General Works on the history of Anglican Ethics: