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Contemporary Theological Movements

These theological and ecclesial movements within Anglicanism deserve special mention: Radical Orthodoxy and Fresh Expressions.

Radical Orthodoxy

Radical Orthodoxy is a theological movement founded in 1999 at the University of Cambridge by John Milbank, Graham Ward, and Catherine Pickstock. It has since grown beyond the university to influence across the Church of England. It's main tenants are: 1. ressourcement, the idea that the best way forward is to retrieve historical sources of Christian thought (theologians in this movement draw heavily on Thomas Aquinas and classical sources); and 2. there is no dualism between the sacred and the secular. Theologians draw on the historical Christian tradition to articulate a comprehensive Christian worldview that is at once theological, social, and political in implication.


The movement has spawned two book series:

And an academic journal:

Primary Sources:

The movement's inaugural "manifesto" was published as a series of essays, Radical Orthodoxy: A New Theology

John Milbank, Catherine Pickstock, and Graham Ward are the three primary theologians associated with Radical Orthodoxy. Here is a selection of their main works:

Fresh Expressions

Fresh Expressions is an ecclesial/missional movement started within the Church of England in 2004. Its aim is to develop new forms and methods of being the church (including worship, outreach, and discipleship) that respond to contemporary culture and engage -- specifically -- the "un-churched."

For more details:

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Significant Books: