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Online Bookstore: 2015

Welcome to Virginia Theological Seminary's online bookstore. Assigned texts for VTS courses are listed on this guide. To locate the textbooks for a class, click on the tab for the correct academic term. Mouse-over a tab to see the classes for a term.

January 2015

Elizabeth M. Kimball, Ph.D.,Director of the Center for the Ministry of Teaching and Professor of Christian Formation and Congregational Leadership at Virginia Theological Seminary, recommends the following books as part of the Bishop Payne Library’s monthly series highlighting a faculty member’s ”picks”:

March 2015

Kathryn Glover, M.P.A., Vice President for Human Resources and Institutional Effectiveness and Secretary of the Corporation at Virginia Theological Seminary, recommends the following books as part of the Bishop Payne Library’s monthly series highlighting a faculty member’s ”picks”:

May 2015

In honor of National Library Week, Public Services Librarian, Karen Madigan recommends the following books as part of the Bishop Payne Library’s monthly series highlighting a faculty/staff member’s “picks”:

July 2015

Kathleen H. Staudt, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Theological Studies at Virginia Theological Seminary recommends the following books as part of the Bishop Payne Library’s monthly series highlighting a faculty member’s ”picks”.  Dr. Staudt’s home library is organized by genre and she offers a sampling of fiction, poetry, spirituality and non-fiction titles:

September 2015

Peggy Parker is a working artist who has served as adjunct instructor in the visual arts since 1991. Her sculpture – Mary as Prophet – He has filled the hungry with good things – will be dedicated at the time of the chapel consecration. She recommends the following books as part of the Bishop Payne Library’s monthly series highlighting a faculty member’s ”picks”.

Contemporary poet Dan Gioia has written that the arts are “one of the most powerful means of calling souls to God.” Each of these books addresses this claim, enlarging our understanding of the arts in the life of faith.

November 2015

Hannah Matis, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Church History at Virginia Theological Seminary, recommends the following books as part of the Bishop Payne Library’s monthly series highlighting a faculty member’s picks:

February 2015

Stephen L. Cook, Ph.D., The Catherine N. McBurney Professor of Old Testament Language and Literature at Virginia Theological Seminary, recommends the following books as part of the Bishop Payne Library’s monthly series highlighting a faculty member’s ”picks”:

April 2015

Hannah Matis Perett, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Church History, at Virginia Theological Seminary, recommends the following books as part of the Bishop Payne Library’s monthly series highlighting a faculty member’s ”picks”:

June 2015

Timothy F. Sedgwick, Ph.D., The Clinton S. Quin Professor of Christian Ethics at Virginia Theological Seminary, recommends the following books as part of the Bishop Payne Library’s monthly series highlighting a faculty member’s ”picks”:

August 2015

What are the faculty members reading this summer? They recommend the following books as part of the Bishop Payne Library’s monthly series highlighting a faculty member’s ”picks”:

October 2015

The Rev. Joani Peacock, Circulation & Collection Development Assistant at Bishop Payne Library, assists the Head Librarian, Dr. Mitzi Budde, in the selection of close to 5000 new books a year! Joani has a passion not only for books, but books about books! They are found in the “Z” section located in the very quiet back corner of the upper level just outside the carrels.

Here are a few of her recommendations (all are available in the Library):

December 2015

Heather Zdancewicz, Vice President for Administration and Finance at Virginia Theological Seminary, recommends the following books as part of the Bishop Payne Library’s monthly series highlighting a faculty or staff member’s “picks”: